Tip of the Week: SEWPRENEURS
Yes, that's a play on the word entrepreneur which, according to Merriam-Webster, means "a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money." There are actually quite a number of sewpreneurs right here in the Four Corners area. We have long arm quilters, women who do machine embroidery for the public, those who are expert in custom clothing and alterations, some who make custom merchandise to sell in local shops or on Etsy, and there are probably many others out there working away at their sewing machines who we don't even know about.
Have you ever thought about taking your love of sewing or quilting and turning it into a business? As a serial entrepreneur myself (this is Karen writing, by the way), I'll offer a few quick business tips here and then refer you to a page on BERNINA's We All Sew blog that's full of great information from successful sewpreneurs. First, the tips . . .
1. Have a vision and write it down.
2. Set concrete goals and write them down.
3. Create an action plan and write it down.
See a trend here? If ideas swim around in your head and never make it onto paper they'll likely stay just that - ideas. If you're serious about turning those ideas into a business, write everything down. Once you do, magical things will begin to happen.
4. Be prepared to invest in your business . . . both time and money.
5. Treat your business like a business. For example: deliver what you promise; meet deadlines; learn how to market your services; become tech-savvy; be organized; understand and follow copyright, employment, and other pertinent laws; keep personal money separate from business money; pay your bills and taxes on time.
6. Be prepared to work hard, but not so hard that you turn something you love into something you dread.
7. Have fun. I'm asked occasionally if I still enjoy owning Cortez Quilt Company almost four years in now. The answer is an unequivocal yes. The day it stops being fun is the day I'll walk away. Life is too short for boredom.
I could go on, but instead I'll stop and refer you to the blog I mentioned above. Click this link and then type "sewpreneur" into the search box in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Hope you find some useful information and inspiration.