The Quiltzette/Quilted Corners Chronicles

Update about Aimee

We are happy to say that Aimee had her last planned surgery earlier this week, and she's now doing much better. However, recovery will be a lengthy process, so it will still be some time before she's able to come back to the store. We want to thank everybody for all the prayers and well wishes, and also thank you all for your patience and understanding while we reorganize everything.


Quilted Corners closed 5/9-5/11

Next week, Quilted Corners will be closed the first half of the week. Closed Monday as usual, as well as Tuesday and Wednesday due to the parking lot closing for repaving. We'll be open as usual the rest of the week starting Thursday, so stop by to say hi and admire the new parking lot!


Saturday Breakfast Club in Cortez cancelled for May

Due to travel and other responsibilities that have arisen from Aimee's surgeries, Breakfast Club will be cancelled in Cortez for Saturday, May 14. Currently, we're planning for all future Breakfast Clubs to be held as scheduled. We'll miss your smiling faces and the all the fun we have, so be sure to come by the store sometime that day anyway just to say hey!


Class updates

The class for the Big Red Bag, originally scheduled at Quilted Corners for May 21, has been rescheduled for June 4.

A reminder that Carmen Geddes will be teaching a class at Stitcher's Haven this Saturday, May 7.

We've had inquiries about when the next mastery classes will be held, since we have several people with new BERNINA machines! Under the circumstances, we currently don't have them scheduled, but we will be doing so soon, and will send out an update ASAP.

All other classes are running as formerly scheduled, so be sure to check previous newsletters for upcoming classes, and if you have any specific questions feel free to call either store and we'll be happy to help!