As you have heard, there is a huge demand for face masks as supply is quickly running out. Local Health Departments, Hospitals, Clinics, Doctors Offices, Nursing Homes, etc... are needed both in the Cortez and Farmington areas. We are more than willing to be a drop-off for any masks that you sew, and we will make sure they are distributed. Please call to schedule when you will be here. We can also arrange a drop-off time for those in Farmington.
Look here for the mask pattern, along with video instruction. Doctors were involved in the construction of this mask, and a pocket has been added for a filter that healthcare professionals will add in. Many thanks go out to Canyonland Quilts of Moab Utah for sharing your pattern with us to use!
Elastic is already difficult to find due to demand. We will have elastic cording here early next week if you need some.
Mask Guidelines:
~ Non-coordinating fabrics, thread, binding strips are fine... but a well sewn mask with no frayed edges, missed seams , or holes is important.
~ Use fabric that is non-stretch... cottons, denim, duck cloth, canvas
~Polyesters or other less breathable fabrics do not work for masks, due to the moisture produced with breathing.
~ Elastic needs to be in good shape, with plenty of stretch and an appropriate size to fit over the ears. 1/16" round cord, or 1/8" braided elastic work best.
~ If elastic is not available, fabric ties can be sewn on the mask. Four ties are needed (one tie on each of the four corners). Ties should be approximately 1/4 inch width, with no frayed edges, and long enough to be tied into a bow on the top of the head (for the top corners and behind the head for the bottom covers).
~ Extra wide double bias tape can be used. You can purchase this, or make your own.