
Software Club
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Have fun creating unique shapes in Artwork Canvas while exploring all the wonderful things you can do with the Shapes & Drawing tools. Create pattern stitches to add to the designs you create. The finished designs in this lesson are two rulers and a measuring tape and could be used to embellish a tote, notion organizer, or a hanger to hold your rulers.

Software Club begins at 5:30. Bring show and tell of any embroidery projects you have completed or are working on chances to win a door prize. Bring your laptop loaded with BERNINA Software 7 or 8 and stay to create one or more of the designs. Also bring a USB stick to take a digital copy of the lesson home with you.

We are adding a new twist to our Software Club beginning in January to give you incentive to  create a finished project using what you learn during lessons. Here’s the deal: Each time you attend Software Club bring a project you created using the prior month’s lesson for an extra chance at a door prize and get in to the Club meeting for free. If you don’t bring a completed project you’ll pay $5 (cash please) to attend the Club meeting. Once a quarter we’ll gather up the funds collected and donate the full amount to different local charities.

To sign up for Software Club call 970-565-7541 or email Cindy.


As always, thank you for supporting Cortez Quilt Company, your local independent quilt shop.


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