BERNINA Club: Reversible Holiday Runner
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Time: 5:15 – 8:00 p.m.
$10 Kit Fee
This month our BERNINA club will feature a “make and take” project. We will be making a small (7” x 27”) reversible holiday table runner. One side will feature Christmas fabrics and the other will feature fall fabric. Techniques will include decorative stitches, using a double needle, specialty threads, and a variety of feet. Bring your own sewing machine or use one of ours. The kit will include all fabric and batting for the project. Please call 970-565-7541 or e-mail Cindy no later than Tuesday, September 22 at 12 noon to reserve your space so that we’ll have enough kits made for everyone. You do NOT need to own a BERNINA to attend this event.